Depressed Discord Pfp. I am trying to grow a small discord community, here at my server we like to talk about feelings, and Welcome the Bloomer & Doomer discord, we welcome everyone to talk about their feels and talk shit. so pretty much it's simple: you can have a pfp on a server, and other server you can have a different one. but if you haven't put any pfp on the server, it'll say as the default pfp in your profile. Click this button and select the KKK_depressed emoji that you just downloaded from this website.
EasyRP is a small program to use the discord-rpc, to make a custom rich presence/game on discord. using just an easy config file. Search for the best discord servers out there, and chat away! In depth music, funny memes, addicting currency, and more!
This is the upper limit of the largest photo you will upload.
Depression is classified in a number of ways.
I am trying to grow a small discord community, here at my server we like to talk about feelings, and Welcome the Bloomer & Doomer discord, we welcome everyone to talk about their feels and talk shit. so pretty much it's simple: you can have a pfp on a server, and other server you can have a different one. but if you haven't put any pfp on the server, it'll say as the default pfp in your profile. I found my old drawing book. Anyone else hate that you can't tap a user's pfp to put their name in your message without having to Low-effort/low-quality posts, recent reposts, or posts that are not directly related to Discord are.